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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a pediatric dentist and a general dentist?

Pediatric dentists receive an additional two or three years of training specifically related to the field of children’s dentistry. Pediatric dentists are able to treat patients at a variety of stages in life; from newborn babies to teenagers and those with special health needs.

When should I bring my child in for their first dental appointment?

It is recommended by the Academy of Pediatric Dentistry that your child receives an examination when their teeth are first arriving in their mouths or by their first birthday, whichever comes first.

When will my child start getting teeth?

Your child will experience their teeth coming in at around the age of 6 months. However, each child is different and should be examined if you feel that your child’s teeth are coming in at an abnormally slow rate.

What can I do to make my child’s appointment easier?

Tell your child in advance of their appointment. Be sure to let them know that it will be as harmless as possible. The less you talk about the details of the appointment, the better your child’s experience should be. Keep in mind; our staff is highly trained in making your child comfortable at the time of their appointment and procedure.

When should we begin using toothpaste and how much should we use?

It is recommended that you clean your child’s teeth as early as possible, starting with a soft infant toothbrush or a combination of cloth and water. Parents are encouraged to use a tiny smear of fluoridated toothpaste and implementing a twice daily brushing routine. When your child approaches the ages of 3 – 6, it is recommended that the toothpaste be increased to a pea sized amount. Closely monitor your child when they are brushing their teeth, ensuring they spit out and now swallow excess toothpaste amid brushing.

What type of diet is best for healthy teeth in children?

Ensure your child is eating a balanced diet; consuming one serving of each food group each day. Be sure to limit the intake of sugars and starches, this will aid your child’s teeth in the fight against tooth decay.

How can I, as a parent, prevent tooth decay in my child’s mouth?

Routine dental cleanings are the best way to ensure optimized oral health in your child. At these appointments, the dentist is able to recommend a personalized program of oral hygiene routines.

How safe are dental x-rays?

In short, there is very little risk in having dental x-rays. Pediatric dentists are trained in specific ways to help mitigate and limit the amount of radiation in which children will be exposed to.

Are baby teeth really that important to my child?

Primary teeth (aka: baby teeth) are important for a wide variety of reasons; proper chewing capabilities, ability to speak properly and breathing abilities. These baby teeth also help lay the foundation for your adult teeth later on.