Welcome to Harmony Pediatric Dentistry!
At Harmony Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Shirley, Dr. Dole, Dr. Patel and their team specializes in providing quality dental care for infants, children, and adolescents. From routine checkups to fillings to sealants to emergency care, our goal is to help your child feel safe, relaxed, and comfortable. We want to help make your child’s smile be the best it can be.
Dr. Xue Shirley Zhao
Pediatric Dentist
Dr. Shirley is a Board Certified Pediatric Dentist and a graduate of Rutgers School of Dental Medicine. She completed her specialty training in Pediatric Dentistry at Brookdale Hospital Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY, while serving as Chief Resident during her final year of residency…
Dr. Dusayant Patel
Pediatric Dentist
Dr. Patel was born and raised in Houston, TX, and attended The University of Texas in Austin, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Sciences focusing on Early Childhood Development.…
Pediatric Dentistry
At Harmony Pediatric Dentistry, we offer a variety of pediatric dental services to our patients through our compassionate, highly-trained and highly-skilled staff. We know that each child and their family is unique, therefore, we aim….
Sedation Options
At Harmony Pediatric Dentistry, we know that the mouth is the cornerstone of the body’s well being, that’s why when we are treating the mouth of a child, we know we are also treating their body as a whole. We take steps to make sure….
Early Infant Oral Care
For a healthy mouth and strong teeth, it all starts at the very beginning. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) it is recommended that pregnant women seek oral care and counseling during the course of pregnancy….